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Surgical Technologist Schools

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Virginia Surgical Technician Schools

There are many surgical tech schools in Virginia that can help you become a trained surgical technician. Below are a number of Virginia surgical tech schools that offer great programs if you wish to become a surgical technician.

Virginia Surgical Tech Schools Enrolling Now

Surgical Tech Education

If you are considering a career as a surgical technician then you must be prepared to attend school for approximately a year or two. If there is a special medical field that you would like to specialize in such as open heart surgery or neurosurgery then you should prepare yourself to be in school for approximately two years. While you are in school you will learn the importance of monitoring patients as well as the importance of treating them with the utmost respect in all situations. There life is in your hands when they are under your care. You need to be precise in your actions and technical with your work.

About Surgical Technician Jobs

Becoming a surgical technician is a great career move in today’s economy. The medical profession is standing strong through all of the ups and downs in the economy. There is a high demand for trained medical professionals and at the top of the list is the demand for trained and certified surgical technicians. Surgical technicians work with anesthesiologists, nurses and surgeons on most if not all of their cases. They are responsible for sterilization and organization of equipment as well as watching and monitoring the vital signs of patients during surgeries and procedures. Surgical technicians are extremely important to the medical team that they work with.


The average salary for a Virginian surgical technician is around $45,540 per year. Salaries can be different depending on where you get hired and the hours that you work. It is always a good question to ask at an interview whether or not there is the opportunity for overtime hours. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)