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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Portland Surgical Technician Schools

Surgical tech schools in Portland can help you become a certified surgical technician in an area hospital. Degree options include a two-year associate’s degree, a one-year certificate program, and other options. Class topics include computers and communication, microbiology to medical language, physiology and anatomy in both academic and clinical courses. The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Surgical Technology is six semesters of classroom and lab work with potential experience at area clinics and hospitals.

Surgical Tech Schools in or near Portland, OR

Surgical Technician Duties

Surgical Techs duties include, but are not limited to, prepping patients by shaving and sterilizing areas designated for surgery, handing needed surgical instruments to doctors during surgery and setting up the equipment needed prior to surgery. As well as observing a patient’s vital signs and helping move the patient to the recovery room after surgery. Surgical Techs work under the supervision of surgeons and registered nurses. Surgical Technicians are a necessary member of a surgical team, providing crucial services before, during and after surgery.

Income Potential

Surgical technician jobs are becoming more in demand each year for those who have successfully passed a national certification exam, with the demand increase predicted to raise by 30% (faster than average) over the next decade. The average salary for a surgical tech in the Portland area is $49,230 per year. This figure can increase sharply with experience and specialization. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)