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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Denver Surgical Technician Schools

There are many Surgical Tech schools in Denver, Colorado that can help you prepare to become a surgical technician. The demand for Surgical Technicians is great so it is a very good career to get into and the time spent in tech school can be well rewarded. Denver surgical tech schools offer two-year associate degree programs and one-year certificate programs. See what surgical tech schools in Denver are available near you.

Surgical Technician Schools in or Near Denver

Surgical Technician Is A Great Choice In Careers

There are many careers available in the medical field. Many people fresh out of school may not realize the many choices they have. There is a need for more employees in all phases in medicine and the Surgical Technician is one of the top most needed positions. It is believed that the demand for Surgical Techs will be up to an increase of about 30% (faster than average) over the next decade.

The average salary for surgical technicians in Denver is approximately $52,510 per year. Not bad for just 24 months of studying. The wages vary from large city hospitals to small town hospitals but the need is everywhere so there is a good chance of landing a job as soon as you get out of school. If you want to help save lives and work side by side with the surgeons and nurses, this is a good occupation to consider. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Responsibilities of a Surgical Technician

The duties of the Surgical Technician are vital to the success in the operating room. The tech has to make sure all instruments, needles, and other equipment in the operating room are sterile. You will be working with, and assisting, the surgeons, registered nurses, and other medical staff in the room. You will need to hand the surgeon the instruments and supplies as they request them. You have already laid out all needed equipment and supplies before the surgery begins. You also have to prepare the patient for surgery. You may be asked to assist in bandaging the patient or other duties after surgery. Take your time to research before you make your decision in the medical position you want to pursue.