Accredited Schools & Training Programs If you know you want to become a surgical tech and just need to find the right training program, we can help you make the right choice:
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Surgical Technologist Schools

Online, Campus & Other Healthcare Programs Available

Cincinnati Surgical Technician Schools

Surgical tech schools in Cincinnati can help you prepare for employment as a surgical technician in a Cincinnati area hospital. Most training programs offer two-year associate degrees or one-year certificates and diplomas, though the right program may depend on prior training and experience.

Explore surgical tech schools in Cincinnati to decide which program is right for you.

Surgical Technician Schools in or near Cincinnati

Surgical Technician Salaries

The salary of a Surgical Tech will vary depending on the area that you live or choose to work in. Cincinnati surgical techs earn on average a salary of approximately $43,440 per year. (Figures courtesy of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Employment & Wages database.)

Financial Aid

There are many financial aid options available to you to help with your cost of attending college. The best way to find out if you are eligible for any financial aid including student loans, grants or even government funds that may be available to you is to speak with a Financial Aid officer at the college.